Monday, July 26, 2010

A long absence...

Sorry to be away so long, but sometimes Life has a way of messing the best plans up! It's summer now, full blown! Soon the kids will be back in school (yay!!!!!!!!!) and I will have a little more "me" time. The gardening is going well, we put in a large vegetable garden in the back. We have had our first crop of wax beans and zucchini. There are pumpkins on the vine and acorn squash too. The tomatoes are slow in coming, but with the damp start I am surprised anything lived. Hope to be posting more pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I have been awake since 6:45 am. I needed to "re-set" my internal clock. School will start before we know it, need to be ready for the early mornings. But boy does this stink!!! I'm up so early, the dog is on a hunger strike! He is refusing to eat, will only stare at me and then go take a nap. I know as soon as the kids are awake he will dig in. Fink.
